New COVID-19 Regulation | November 2020 | Colony West
March 13, 2025

New COVID-19 Regulation | November 2020

Uncategorized/By Julien/0 comments
Just when you thought doing business in California couldn’t be any more challenging!
A new, extensive emergency COVID-19 regulation has been published by the Cal/OSHA Standards Board in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 in workplaces. This new 21-page regulation will drastically affect nearly every employer in the state of California. This regulation will not only affect workplaces but employer-provided housing and transportation, adding another layer of protocols to an already convoluted employment law landscape.


Thankfully, our partnership with Outlook HR makes it easy for you to navigate and establish these new protocols and documentation to ensure full compliance.


The proposal is scheduled to be voted on November 19th and expected to become effective by the end of November, leaving very little time for local businesses to comment or change the outcome of the bill.
This also bears the question if and how this regulation could conflict with the recent AB 685 law or how they might work together.
You can find and read the full regulation here.


Here are some key elements proposed by Cal/OSHA:


    • Employers will be required to have a written COVID Prevention Program, which can be incorporated into the IIPP or be stand-alone;
    • Employers must identify, evaluate and correct COVID hazards, the first two with the participation of employees and their authorized representatives;
    • Employers must investigate and “respond effectively” to COVID cases and notify employees who might have been exposed within one day. Employees who may have been exposed must be offered COVID testing at no cost;
    • Employers must report COVID cases in their workplaces to local health authorities;
    • Physical distancing and mask-wearing are required unless it is not possible in the former. But the burden is on the employer to demonstrate it isn’t possible. There are also exceptions for masks;
    • Return-to-work provisions are included for employee COVID cases;
    • There are specific and more stringent requirements for multiple COVID infections and outbreaks in the workplace;
    • Don’t risk your business and face the consequences.


Who’s in charge of your COVID-19 documents?

Don’t risk your business and face the consequences.



A proven and efficient HR management solution like Outlook HR can greatly reduce your risk of liability
and ensure compliance with a seamless extension of your staff.