Workers’ compensation claims have a high degree of innacuracy which makes it imperative that you are positive your carrier is applying rigorous methods to save you time and money.

In fact, workers’ compensation is not insurance. Your insurance carriers are simply financing your claims for you due to the experience modifier. Some important facts to keep in mind are:

  • about 30% of each premium dollar goes to fraud
  • mistakes are routinely made in the development of work
  • reserves to claims are also calculated into your experience modification
  • small claims affect your ex-mod more than large ones

This is why we have dedicated experts (they have years of training and experience and do nothing but manage claims) who work with our customers at the point of injury and first notice. They ensure claims are closed fast and reserves are kept at the lowest level allowed by law. We often are in a position of educating inexperienced or overworked adjusters to make sure:

  • Reserves are minimized
  • Litigation is settled rapidly
  • Claims are closed timely
  • Liens are settled
  • MPN is being utilized
  • First Aid Strategies are implemented
  • All parties are sticking to timelines and making appointments
  • Communication divides are bridged and timelines are shortened
  • Management gets involved if needed at the carrier, medical provider or attorneys office
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We can help you find out if you’re overpaying and do a comprehensive audit to find out what you’re missing. Let’s chat!